函数式接口 Function源码:jkd8所提供的函数式接口都在package java.util.function包下
package java.util.function;
import java.util.Objects;
* Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
* 接收一个参数 生成一个结果
* <p>This is a <a href="package-summary.html">functional interface</a>
* whose functional method is {@link #apply(Object)}.
* @param <T> the type of the input to the function
* @param <R> the type of the result of the function
* @since 1.8
public interface Function<T, R> { //T:入参 R:返回值
* Applies this function to the given argument. 该函数应用到给定的参数上
R apply(T t);
* Returns a composed function that first applies the {@code before}
* function to its input, and then applies this function to the result.
* If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to
* the caller of the composed function.
* @param <V> the type of input to the {@code before} function, and to the
* composed function
* @param before the function to apply before this function is applied
* @return a composed function that first applies the {@code before}
* function and then applies this function
* @throws NullPointerException if before is null
* @see #andThen(Function)
default <V> Function<V, R> compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before) {
return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v));
* Returns a composed function that first applies this function to
* its input, and then applies the {@code after} function to the result.
* If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to
* the caller of the composed function.
* @param <V> the type of output of the {@code after} function, and of the
* composed function
* @param after the function to apply after this function is applied
* @return a composed function that first applies this function and then
* applies the {@code after} function
* @throws NullPointerException if after is null
* @see #compose(Function)
default <V> Function<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
return (T t) -> after.apply(apply(t));
* Returns a function that always returns its input argument.
* @param <T> the type of the input and output objects to the function
* @return a function that always returns its input argument
static <T> Function<T, T> identity() {
return t -> t;
R apply(T t)
public class Test1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("Hello","world");
Function<String,String> fun1=new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String s) {
return "fun--"+s;
System.out.println(fun1.apply("sh1")); //fun--sh1
Function<String,String> fun2=(s)-> {return "fun--"+s;};
System.out.println(fun2.apply("sh2")); //fun--sh2
Test1 T=new Test1();
Function<String,String> fun3=T::addFun;
System.out.println(fun3.apply("sh3")); //fun--sh3
//Stream 流中的map方法参数就是 函数式接口Function
List<String> collect =;
System.out.println(collect); //[fun--Hello, fun--world]
public String addFun(String s){
return "fun--"+s;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class FunctionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FunctionTest test=new FunctionTest();
Function<Integer,Integer> fun=i->i*100;
//int compute = test.compute(2, fun);
int compute = test.compute(2, integer -> integer * 100);
System.out.println(compute); //200
public int compute(int a , Function<Integer,Integer> function){
int result =function.apply(a);
return result;
//即:用(V v) -> apply(before.apply(v))实现 返回的function的 apply(T t)方法
default <V> Function<V, R> compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before) {
return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v));
先执行传递来的 function的apply,然后将返回值作为参数执行自身的apply
default <V> Function<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
return (T t) -> after.apply(apply(t));
先执行自身的apply,将返回值作为参数,执行传进来的function 方法
public class FunctionTest2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(compute(1, e -> e + 1, e -> e * e)); //2
System.out.println(compute2(1, e -> e + 1, e -> e * e)); //4
public static int compute(int a , Function<Integer,Integer> function1, Function<Integer,Integer> function2){
int result =function1.compose(function2).apply(a);
return result;
public static int compute2(int a , Function<Integer,Integer> function1, Function<Integer,Integer> function2){
int result =function1.andThen(function2).apply(a);
return result;
public interface BiFunction<T, U, R> {
* Applies this function to the given arguments.
* @param t the first function argument
* @param u the second function argument
* @return the function result
R apply(T t, U u); //输入两个参数
* Returns a composed function that first applies this function to
* its input, and then applies the {@code after} function to the result.
* If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to
* the caller of the composed function.
* @param <V> the type of output of the {@code after} function, and of the
* composed function
* @param after the function to apply after this function is applied
* @return a composed function that first applies this function and then
* applies the {@code after} function
* @throws NullPointerException if after is null
// ------------
default <V> BiFunction<T, U, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
return (T t, U u) -> after.apply(apply(t, u));
public class BiFunctionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(compute(1,1,(a,b)->a+b)); //2
System.out.println(compute(2,3,(a,b)->a*b,a->a+2)); //8
public static int compute(int a,int b, BiFunction<Integer,Integer,Integer> biFunction){
return biFunction.apply(a,b);
public static int compute(int a, int b, BiFunction<Integer,Integer,Integer> biFunction1, Function<Integer,Integer> fun){
return biFunction1.andThen(fun).apply(a,b);
public class BiFunctionTest2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Person> persons= Arrays.asList(new Person(24,"zhangsan"),
new Person(14,"lisi"),
new Person(26,"wangwu"),
new Person(34,"zhaoliu"));
List<Person> ageThanX = getAgeThanX(20, persons); //获取年龄大于20的人
public static List<Person> getAgeThanX(Integer a,List<Person> people){
BiFunction<Integer,List<Person> ,List<Person>> bfun=(age,persons)->{
return bfun.apply(a,people);
class Person{
Integer age;
String name;
Person(age=24, name=zhangsan)
Person(age=26, name=wangwu)
Person(age=34, name=zhaoliu)
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